How to use the Microsoft FlexGrid ActiveX-control in Borland Delphi

How to use the Microsoft FlexGrid ActiveX-control in Borland Delphi

To use the Microsoft Flex Grid in Delphi use the following steps:

The Flex Grid control is part of Visual Basic 6.0, and can be redistributed with the right license information.

1] Download the control from Microsoft Extract the OCX from the CAB-file, copy the OCX to the Windows\System32 folder, and register it with regsvr32.exe.

2] Get a license for the control. An option is to install Visual Basic 6.0, or import the following registry key:

3] Import the control in the Delphi environment

Component, Import Component…

(x) Import ActiveX Control, [Next >>]

[Add], Enter: %windir%\system32\msflxgrd.ocx, [Open], [Next >>]

[Next >>]

(x) Install to new package, [Next >>]

Package name: C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\Units\MSFlxGrd.dpk, Description: Microsoft Flex Grid Control, [Finish]

The following new components have been registered: TDataObject, TDataObjectFiles, TMSFlexGrid, TMSFlexGrid2.

4] You can use the controls from the ActiveX-tab.

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